English summary:
Aims: To describe the local epidemiologies of food poisoning in Nam Dinh from 2010 to 2019.
Methods: A study was conducted to gather information about all food poisoning cases from the recording book (M3-NĐTP) in Nam Dinh province.
Results: In the 2010-2019 period, there were 34 food poisoning outbreaks in Nam Dinh, with 1001 cases reported, and 606 hospitalizations but no death. Among them, 65% of food poisoning outbreaks detected less than 30 cases, 41.2% were triggered among work-place kitchens and 29.4% were confirmed at meals among people gathering for parties. The main causes of poisoning were bacteria (accounted for 41,2%) while 35.3% from unknown. Food poisoning often occurs in April, September, and October. The symptoms were mainly stomachache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, and fever.
Conclusion: Foodborne illnesses are often reported in work-place kitchens and large gathering events. The common time for foodborne diseases is between two seasons when it is hot, humid, and rainy. Symptoms are normally neurological manifestations and gastrointestinal disorders. The main cause is bacteria.
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